Liposuction Turkey



Liposuction is an aesthetic procedure that is widely used worldwide against the problem of regional lubrication. Liposuction in Turkey is widely used today to remove excess fat from the body.  Despite diet and exercise, liposuction can help get rid of regional lubrication in people with regional lubrication problems.

As Rhinoplasty Turkey clinic, Liposuction surgery, in short, is the process of removing fat tissue from certain parts of the body from the body. Some people may have resistant fat units, also known as stubborn lubrication, in certain parts of the body. Areas such as the abdomen, hips and hips are the most common areas where fat accumulations that cannot be removed from the body despite diet and exercise are encountered. The fat removal process, called liposuction, is performed to remove these resistant fats from the body and shape the body. Although liposuction in Turkey is considered as a weight loss method among the people, it is not a weight loss method, but a body shaping surgery.

How is Liposuction Surgery Performed?

Liposuction surgery is performed by specialist doctors in Rhinoplasty Turkey clinic in a sterile and well-equipped clinic. Today, liposuction surgery can be performed using different techniques.

What is it like after liposuction surgery?

The results will not be immediately visible because your body needs time to recover. There may be fluid flows in the area between 24 and 48 hours after the operation. Do not forget to wrap the treated area at regular intervals as recommended by your doctor. It is recommended to consume plenty of water in order to prevent fluid loss and to pass the effect of regional anesthesia.

Which Areas Is Liposuction Applied To?

Liposuction can be applied in almost every area of the body where fat accumulation is intense. As Rhinoplasty Turkey clinic, we know all process. Liposuction, which is performed for aesthetic purposes as well as health, is preferred in the hips, hips, thighs and chest areas among women, while it is mostly preferred in the abdomen, waist circumference and back in men. Areas such as the neck, jowl, upper arm and back, which immediately show weight gain, are also among the popular options.

Will There Be Any Scars in Liposuction?

The amount of fat that can be removed in liposuction varies depending on the weight of the person and the total fat ratio in the body. The recommended amount of fat to be taken at once is around 5% of body weight. For example, a maximum of 4.5 to 5 liters is taken from a 90-kilogram individual at a time.

Who Can Have Liposuction?

When considering Liposuction Turkey, People who are able to have liposuction are as follows:

  • Normal or slightly overweight,
  • Not having any health problems,
  • Unable to get rid of stubborn fat despite diet and exercise,
  • People who do not have harmful habits such as smoking can have liposuction surgery.

In addition, those who have chronic health, are underweight or have a body mass index above 25 may not be suitable candidates for liposuction surgery. Skin structure is also important for liposuction surgery to be successful. It may not be appropriate to perform liposuction on people with loss of elasticity in their skin. The specialist physician will decide whether the liposuction procedure is suitable for you.

What is the Post-Liposuction Process?

Detailed information is given to the patients by the specialist doctor of Rhinoplasty Turkey clinic about what should be considered after liposuction. To reduce the risk of infection after the procedure, doctors may recommend the use of certain medications. It is important to pay attention to a healthy and balanced diet after the operation. It is normal to have swelling and edema for a while after liposuction surgery. The specialist physician may recommend special clothes to patients to control swelling and edema.

As Rhinoplasty Turkey, we offer the best prices. “Airport Transfer”, “Accommodation” and “Interpreter” services can also be provided by us. For more information, please visit the Website or contact us via Whatsapp directly.

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