Dental Treatments Turkey


Dental Treatments Turkey

Dental treatment methods have made great progress with the development of technology. Dental treatments are now performed in a way that is close to reality. There are many treatments that have a natural tooth appearance.

Dental treatments also provide you with aesthetically pleasing results. Oral and dental health is the most important organism that facilitates and provides the digestion of foods.

As Rhinoplasty Turkey, we continue to be a pioneer in the field of Oral and Dental treatment in Turkey.

Here are the services we provide regarding Dental Treatments in Turkey;

Oral and Dental Diseases Surgery

Oral and Dental Diseases Surgery, in general, performs the diagnosis and treatment of all soft tissues in the mouth, jaw and jaw bone, teeth and other problems.

Surgical interventions that need to be performed in all health problems related to the mouth, jaw and teeth are performed within the scope of oral and dental maxillofacial diseases. The process that starts with the diagnosis proceeds by staging in the most appropriate way to eliminate the health problem experienced by the person.

As Rhinoplasty Turkey, you can also benefit from the treatment methods we offer for oral and dental diseases surgery by contacting our clinic.

Bleaching (Teeth Whitening)

Bleaching is one of the most preferred methods to have whiter and healthier teeth. Today, many people can have white teeth thanks to the tooth whitening technique.

Bleaching method is a tooth whitening method applied with gels approved by the World Health Organization. During the whitening process, no different process is performed in addition to the teeth. Only the existing tooth color is provided to have a whiter appearance. Bleaching is one of the most popular operations done when concerning dental treatments in Turkey.

Bruxism (Teeth Clenching) Treatment

Bruxism (Teeth Clenching) Treatment is a treatment method applied in cases where teeth are squeezed at night while sleeping, excessive grinding or pressing together. There can be many underlying causes of jaw pain that everyone experiences from time to time.

The problem of teeth clenching and grinding, which manifests itself especially due to stress, is an action that the person does without realizing it while sleeping at night.

Bruxism can be defined as health problems that usually manifest themselves during sleep and are caused by jaw movements. Bruxism, also known as tooth clenching problem, can occur due to involuntary behavior.

Since there is no conscious behavior of the patients, it is included in the diseases caused by stress. You can contact our Rhinoplasty Turkey clinic and create your appointment request for Bruxism treatment methods.

Endodontics (Root Canal Treatment)

Endodontics (Root Canal Treatment) is one of the most popular dental treatment applications. Endodontics application is preferred in cases of serious decay and infection during the recovery of teeth. In this way, the problems that cause the tooth to be completely extracted are also treated and eliminated.

Saving the tooth root and the intact areas of the tooth is one of the main goals of root canal treatment applications. Endodontics, which is a very important treatment for dental health, is performed by our competent physician.

You can contact our Rhinoplasty Turkey clinic and make an appointment with our dentist for endodontic applications. In this way, you can get healthy teeth without experiencing tooth loss. Endodontics application is one of the most popular operations done when concerning dental treatments in Turkey.

Smile Design

Smile Design is often preferred in aesthetic dental applications. A healthier and more aesthetic smile is obtained with the smile design specially designed for the person. Disorders can be seen in teeth and gums due to many different reasons.

Gum diseases or dental disorders can lead to an aesthetically disturbing appearance. However, thanks to the smile design, a natural and beautiful smile design is made by considering the discomfort and face shape of the person.  

You can contact Rhinoplasty Turkey Dental Clinic and request an appointment from our dentist who is experienced in smile design. Thanks to the smile design specially prepared for you with modern techniques, you can achieve the smile you dream of.

Implant Treatment

Implant Treatment is a dental treatment method to complete the missing teeth in the mouth. Implant treatment is carried out with titanium screws produced specifically for the jawbone and under sterile conditions. Then, titanium screws can be integrated with special crown or bridge methods to complete the missing teeth.

Porcelain Crowns 

Porcelain Crowns are an application applied by creating a bridge with other healthy teeth in cases where there is a small number of tooth loss in the mouth. Porcelain crowns, which are included in fixed prosthesis types, are one of the most suitable treatment methods for a healthy and aesthetic smile.

It is especially preferred to provide healthy teeth instead of teeth that are extremely caries and have exhausted their lives. Our Rhinoplasty Turkey clinic helps you with our specialist physician for porcelain crown and other dental treatments.

As Rhinoplasty Turkey, we offer the best prices. “Airport Transfer”, “Accommodation” and “Interpreter” services can also be provided by us. For more information, please visit the Website or contact us via Whatsapp directly.

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